Metacognitive Learning Strategies and Academic Success of TEFL M.A. Students in Distance Education


  • Keivan Zahedi


Appropriate use of metacognitive learning strategies (MLS can contribute to the development of autonomy in distance learners, which is of paramount importance to their educational success. This paper reports on the frequency of MLS used by M.A. distance students of TEFL and it is intended to find out whether this particular set of strategies has any effect on these learners’ academic success The academic success rate of the subjects is determined based on their university average scores. The subjects consisted of 36 M.A. TEFL distance learners who were asked to fill out Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaires. For the purpose of analysis, the students were classified as high and low achievers based on their average scores. The results indicate that with α set at 0.05, there is no statistically significant correlation between the use of MLS and academic success of the participants.



